Computers on modules, otherwise known as COM, is one of the significant aspects in the world of computing today. COM is usually in the middle ground of being a full-on computer and a microcontroller. A COM has several components to it. These components include:
- The processor, RAM, and power management system (PMIC)
- Operating system
- BSPs and Libraries
- Multimedia connectivity
A COM performs several functions and is vital to any person who is selling a product. They can accelerate the time-to-market for products and reduce the product development cost and risk. The different uses of COM and its proven effectiveness could be what a person is looking for.
Differences with a Single-Board-Computer (SBC)
However, COM is not the only small factor of computerization in the market. Another form that exists is known as Single-board-computer or (SBC). SBC is a small computerized component that has all the components needed to make a fully functioning computer system. The two, COM and SBC, are both known to help in application systems. They are systems that are put into intelligent embedded systems such as drones, smart homes, cloud shipping containers, and many more. The main difficulty comes in when it comes to choice. Knowing which system is best between the computer on module and the single-board-computer for an application can be tough. At the end of the day, the differences can be settled by tastes, preferences, and needs. Understanding the minute differences between the two systems can help in making a choice.
The two computer systems have different designs. These designs are both advantageous when it comes to the usage of the two. When it comes to COM, there is a quasi-modular design used, which is pivotal in making a line of products. With COM, a person can swap out different parts of the system to achieve different functionality. This can determine the difference between an entry-level product and that at the top. SBC gives its user a compact item. The functioning of an SBC is specialty packaging and ruggedized, which makes it unique.
From the design, we can tell that the two have different flexibility levels. The quasi-modular design of the COM allows its users a lot of flexibility. One can swap out processes, and it creates a career-oriented design. People can swap out solutions for evaluation, upward migration, or scaled deployment. Flexibility is desired by some people. SBC, on the other hand, doesn’t offer flexibility. Instead, it integrates everything that is needed.
Space and Cost
SBC, with its feature for integrating everything that is needed at once, helps in saving space and costs. It can also prevent inter-subsystem connection issues altogether. Lack of swap ability is not considered as a shortcoming of the SBC system but a link to its strength.
Of the two, a person is able to get different results and fulfill different needs altogether. A person should look into the functionality of the two systems and understand them before deciding on which one to use. Also, one should use such components from a reliable and trusted company such as WINSYSTEMS.