
How to Control Angry Employees During a Company Meeting


When you call for a general meeting with your employees, you hope the conversation remains calm and professional. The mood of the meeting depends on the topic and how you present it. When you’re about to announce job cuts or slashing of funds, expect it to be rowdy. These employees will express their grievances, and they won’t hold back. Therefore, you must prepare yourself for that possibility. If you’re leading the meeting, here’s what you should do if everyone starts getting angry.

Set rules

Before you even begin the meeting, make sure there are rules. It allows your employees to have an opportunity to speak. These rules should be fair. Set a time limit so that no one hugs the microphone. Always go back to these established rules.

Let people be angry

Don’t cut someone from talking if this person is expressing anger and frustration. It’s natural to feel that way. You presented an issue, and now, it’s the employees’ turn to speak up. Acknowledge how they feel and allow them to stay true to their emotions. If you invalidate them, it will prevent them from trusting your leadership again.

Prepare your speech

It doesn’t matter how horrible the subject of the meeting is. There are ways to present them in a way that everyone understands. Make sure you prepare what to say. Outline your speech and use it as a guide. You may also use visual aids to present your ideas better. Your office deserves to install a ceiling mount for the Epson projector for this meeting and future meetings. It’s easier to present your thoughts when everything is ready and visual.

Don’t be emotional

Allow your employees to express themselves, but don’t let yourself feel enraged too. Don’t take anything personally. Everything is a part of the job, and it’s not against you as a person. If you also become emotional, you can’t clear your thoughts. You might say the wrong things. It is during these tense moments that you can show your steady hands.

Hold your tongue

You can tell employees that you will think about certain suggestions. Nothing is final, and you will consider everyone’s ideas. Don’t make decisions on the spot, even if you feel the pressure to do so. You might regret that decision. You must have time to think about the suggestions and consult with the other management team members. If someone challenges your leadership and tells you to decide, don’t fall for it. The current meeting isn’t the right time to finalise anything.

When the meeting is over, everyone will calm down. You will get back to your respective jobs. As a leader, you must decide what to do about the suggestions. Call for a meeting with the other administrative team members and study the options. Present the final decision to your employees as soon as possible. Don’t delay the issue further, or you will enrage these employees even more. Being a leader is never easy, but you must deal with the challenges. You will also be better as you face bigger issues and won’t feel shaken when the time comes.


Abel Eino
the authorAbel Eino